The Grand Bouquet


Wow your Valentine with the classic surprise . This grand bouquet of fresh red roses is sure to impress all the special people in your life!

-Medium: 40cm Rose 

-Large: 60cm Rose 


All of our products are custom and we will always sent you a picture of a finished arrangement prior to a delivery.

*For deliveries outside of Tampa Bay and same day deliveries – contact us before placing your order. ‪813-703-1413*

SKU: N/A Categories: , , ,

Please note: Photos shown are examples of this style. Flower types and design may slightly vary based on the local inventory of blooms.

In some instances, the flower photo may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated.

Each arrangement will be handcrafted, using the only freshest flowers available.


Medium, Large

Vase Shape

Round, Square